
Join us to demand that Global Fund fixes its discriminatory disease split!


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Join us to demand that Global Fund fixes its discriminatory disease split!

Tuberculosis (TB) has long been the world’s deadliest infectious disease, killing more than 1.3 million people each year, including 214,000 children. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is the world’s largest financial source for fighting TB, especially in low- and middle-income countries, which account for the majority of TB deaths.

Despite TB killing more people annually than AIDS and malaria combined, it receives only 18% of the total funding allocated by the Global Fund, compared with 50% for AIDS and 32% for malaria. The Global Fund Board is preparing to make a critical decision at its upcoming Board conference on 19-22 November on its “global disease sharing” methodology for determining the funding share among the three diseases that will be in place for the period 2027-2029.

The current 18% allocation of funding for TB has remained unchanged for a decade and is completely inadequate and unfair, given that TB has the highest mortality rate among the three diseases. We know that it is possible to increase the Global Fund allocation for TB without jeopardizing progress or funding for HIV/AIDS and malaria and funding levels for the African region or any other region of the world.

Please join us in calling on the Global Fund Board and Secretariat to abandon their biased, unfair and discriminatory division of diseases and adopt an equitable distribution of funds across the three diseases, increasing TB’s share to 33%. This will ensure a fair share of the Global Fund budget for TB and help put us on track to end TB by 2030. This petition, along with every signature, will reach the Global Fund’s Board and leaders. Please help us and all people with TB – your support counts!

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